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Monday, October 28, 2013

Gutter: Rainwater Harvesting Term of the Week

This week’s word of the week is Gutter. Guttering is generally installed around the roof surface to direct water off the roof in an orderly fashion instead of the water running off the roof in every direction all helter skelter.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Catchment Surface: Rainwater Harvesting Term of the Week

This week’s word of the week is Catchment Surface. Generally a Catchment Surface is a roof of some type of structure. Pictured below is one type of many different configurations of Rainwater harvesting systems showing the roof as the catchment surface. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Rainwater Harvesting: What is a Dry System?

There are a few types of Rainwater Harvesting Systems. I expect that there will be more variations as we learn more in the future. In a nutshell, a Dry Harvesting System takes water from one downspout on a partial roof area of the catchment surface. A catchment surface is most often a roof. It can be any type of roof: on a home, on a barn, an area over a bench to shield from water. Any surface that can be guttered can effectively harvest rainwater.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Rainwater in Toilets: Why Use Drinking Water if you Don’t Have to?

With the seemingly never ending drought here in Texas, water conservation is an important means to preserve our potable water supply. This means getting super creative with how we use water. So why are we settling for using good, clean drinking water in toilets? Since it is the norm we go about our day not even thinking that there might be an alternative.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Rain Barn

This video depicts how rainwater can be harvested and used as a sole source of water. It is a great, no-nonsense description of one way to conserve water for both potable and non-potable use by Billy Kniffen. With areas in the state of Texas still in drought conditions, water is going to continue to be a resource that we need to explore ways to capture and conserve it. Even if you haven't considered rainwater as a resource on your property yet, I encourage you to do more research and see the many ways rainwater is a precious resource we should be capturing for many different uses.

Click here for video.

RainDrop Harvesting Solutions, LLC

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Water Restrictions are Only the Beginning

It is summer in Texas and as the heat goes up, so does the water bills and electric bills. It is a struggle to have a halfway decent looking lawn and that is only going to get harder and harder as water becomes more scarce. The issues facing the Woodlands as shown below in this story affect the entire state with some counties still in drought conditions from last year.